General info about PubPub for new users + Connections to additional help resources.
PubPub supports the open publication of a range content types—from monographs to scholarly journals to conference proceedings—by over 800 publishing communities—from university presses to small research groups. Its team builds tools and improves upon existing ones based on the feedback and use cases of its community of users.1 PubPub includes features to support the dynamic, iterative, multimedia, and often cross-disciplinary publication of scholarly work.
To this end, PubPub supports embedded images, video, audio, documents, and equations. Iframes can also be used to embed interactive content and/or content hosted on other sites. PubPub has footnote and citation features, and encourages authors to populate their own work with annotations (in the form of additional commentary or questions for readers) to help prompt responses and conversation around articles.
The list below provides examples of how a handful of PubPub communities have implemented these tools. These examples by no means constitute an exhaustive list of what is possible. To view other communities not listed below, please visit our Explore page. If you have questions or an idea for a feature you’d like to incorporate into your publication, please email [email protected] and someone from the PubPub team will be in touch to discuss it further.
What: HDSR is a new journal from the Harvard Data Science Initiative.
So what: HDSR has embedded interactive data visualizations into some of its articles. A good example of this is the article “(A) Data in the Life: Authorship Attribution in Lennon-McCartney Songs”
A good example of: embedded interactives, use of iframes, embedded images, tables, equations
What: New publication from American Psychological Association
So what: APA was looking for a flexible platform that could handle interactive articles. First article here.
A good example of: a new title, society journal, interactives
What: A free-to-read publication that has shifted from WordPress to PubPub.
So what: The BAAS consists largely of user contributed content, such as conference notes and obituaries, but it will also host documents from the Decadal Planetary Survey and more.
A good example of: A shift from WordPress, user submitted content, diverse content types.
What: Cursor_ is a dual language open access theological publication from the University of Heidelberg.
So what: Cursor_ was created to encourage a community of engagement.
A good example of: community engagement, multilingual publication.
What: Data Feminism is a draft monograph posted for open community review. It was published by the MIT Press in April 2020.
So what: The authors of Data Feminism did an excellent job prompting and responding to comments and annotations from readers. Its Introduction alone has over 100.
A good example of: annotation, reader engagement, open review
What: Collective Wisdom is a report emerging from a qualitative study, conducted by a team of researchers all over the world, on contemporary co-creative practices and ethics.
So what: This report is published with a wealth of media, including a video trailer, countless images embedded throughout the chapters, and an interactive wheel.
A good example of: multimedia, embedded interactives, use of iframes, creativity in production,
What: Originally published as an annotated edition to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the publication of Shelly’s novel, Frankenbook then became an open access electronic edition published on PubPub.
So what: This edition has been expanded to include additional annotations from its editors; a media page that collects the videos, audio (a podcast), and even a video game, included throughout the novel as annotations; and tags to categorize notes to allow readers to better navigate them.
A good example of: multimedia, creativity in production, reader engagement, annotation
What: A toolkit for creating a GLAMLab (Galleries, Libraries, and Museums).
So what: Showcases PubPub uses for galleries, libraries, and museums.
A good example of: art, exhibits, toolkits.
What: A community on PubPub organized after a conference on the work of MIT physicist Millie Dresselhaus.
So what: The event organizers used this community to collect all posters, video, and transcriptions from the event and share them with a broader audience.
A good example of: multimedia, creativity in production, expanding access
Presented during the Open Publishing Fest, this document walks through how the KFG team uses PubPub internally in the event that the tool might solve content creation, organization, and dissemination problems for others teams or individuals.