Hi there, I am finding that the PDF download feature is not working and I can’t locate any help guides. Is this a wider problem or something I am overlooking? Thanks
Dear PubPub Team,
how i can build an dropdown menu on our landing page?
You can create your own community on PubPub at this link. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
Please fill out the form found at this link to create an account. You will receive a confirmation email, from which you will be asked to finalize the details of your account, such as your name, brief bio, contact information, links to social media, and your profile picture.
Each PubPub community sets their own process for content submissions. We recommend looking for further instructions from the community within which you would like to publish, or contacting the admins for guidance.
When in edit mode, click on “Options” in the top right of your screen, then navigate to “Delete.” After confirming the title of your pub, you can delete it from your community.
Please email us at [email protected] if you would like to delete your community.