These guides should be considered as templates. They do not represent a final product that must be used for the consultation process to work correctly. It is noteworthy, however, that these guides were effective and served their purpose for the participa.conl.mx process.
It is recommended that these guides are presented on the different pages of the platform, and also in the invitations or any media material so that the participants understand the process before entering the process they wish to begin.
It is highly recommended to include in the instructions, a link to a document of rules of coexistence between people during the process (for more about this, see the section on coexistence rules, terms and conditions, and privacy notice).
It is recommended to integrate a short guide of 4-6 steps into the main screen or home page so that the user understands from the first moment he enters the page what to do and how.
First register by creating an account at _______
Go to the ______ section and read
You can comment freely in the entire document!
We put this guide at your disposal: ________
For this short message, we recommend using hyperlinks to the different pages and pubs.
It is also recommended to integrate basic instructions, to make comments in a more visual way in different parts of the platform.
Example (at the beginning of each pub you can put something similar to what is shown below):
You can make general comments on the document to the bottom of the site. Write in the white box and press "Post Discussion" when done.
If you want to make a specific comment on the text, just select with your cursor the text where you want to make your annotation.
Select the first icon that appears (two text balloons)
A text box will appear on the right, comment there! When you finish, click on “Post Discussion”.
If you want to comment on an entry from another participant, just open their comment, write on “Add Reply” and press enter when you finish.
You can comment on discussions and comments at the bottom of the page. Just click on the user's name and type.
However, is necessary to integrate in another part of the platform an enlarged guide since there is possibility of users don’t get 6the process very clear or they have doubts and questions. This last point is important if you do not have a team 100% dedicated to answering questions or providing 24/7 technical support to users.
Example of an extended guide for general users: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mvPdoffzyOz9wwpZRgYYq3UHf1bkJKiOzXoKYkBNNcc/edit?usp=sharing
This guide can take different types of variants if necessary. For example, you can include a note at the beginning for users with a personalized invitation that describes a little more how to be part of the private process.
This process is more complex and it is necessary to consider two stages: preparation and technical process. The first refers to a series of instructions that the user must do in order to participate in the process. Without these preparatory steps, the administrator will not be able to give the user the necessary permissions. The second moment is easier and deals with the steps within the platform to upload or edit a document.
The following examples were used as user guides that were sent together with the invitation.
Preparation guide:
You must create an account in this link: _____________
We recommend doing this process on a computer and not on a cell phone.
When creating the account, please enter your full name.
Any name that is not complete will not be taken as valid and, therefore, neither will the comments emanating from that account.
After that, you will have to verify your email to finish the registration (check the spam tray, unwanted, promotions, etc).
Once the account is created, it is necessary to send an email with your username and email used to create the account to: _____________
The sending of this information must be before _____________.
Please send the name as is and as you wrote it in the registration space (with capital letters, without skipping names or surnames).
Once this is done, an email will be sent with the following steps and the information that will be necessary to follow to the letter.
Technical consultation process for guests who only comment
Once the Consejo Nuevo León confirms that the registration has been adequate, just access the platform from September 23 to October 7 to review the chapters of the Plan.
Enter ___________
Verify that you are logged in to _____________
Access the ______ tab
This section will be active from ____ to ______.
If you cannot view the page, verify that you are logged in with your account.
If you did not send the mail with the name and registered mail, you will not be able to see this specific page.
Once inside the _______ section, the chapter index will be shown below, select the corresponding one.
Once inside, just read and comment.
We recommend viewing the extended guide for more information on creating annotations, comments, and suggestions.
At the same time, read our rules of coexistence.
Avoid modifying document or text settings. The ______ team can identify who and when these attempts are made.
Basic guide for users who upload files:
Technically it is the same process as the previous case, but it changes in stage two of the "technical process". Practically this second step is like what a normal user would do to comment in a common pub, but here it is focused on creating pubs and not commenting.
Technical file upload process
Once the Consejo Nuevo León confirms that the registration has been adequate, all you have to do is access the platform from September 23 to October 7 to upload the position paper:
Access _________
Verify that you have logged-in in ___________
Access the tab called ________
This page will be active from _____ to ________
If you cannot view the page, verify that you entered the page with your account.
If you did not send the mail with the name and registered mail, you will not be able to see the page of __________.
There you will see a button called "Upload your document", click on it.
Please consult the guidelines for uploading files before you start writing: _________
Once inside you have the opportunity to start editing right there or upload a document.
We recommend that you read the extended guide to do this at: _________
Once the editing is finished, just select the "Request Publication" button.
Avoid modifying the document settings or trying to make modifications to the text. The _________ team can identify who makes these types of modifications and when.
For this last example, we recommend creating a series of institutional guidelines like the next example:
It is advisable to have a list of parties involved in the project, both people and organizations, whom you may want to summon, in order to identify their contact information, mainly email.
Given the volume of personalized invitations that may be sent, it is important to optimize times and make a format and content base in which there are some clear items in which to personalize who it is addressed to. This applies both to the body of the email, and to the document or formal invitation.
When customizing the invitation, it is recommended to double check that there is no pending information or another adapted invitation.
The messages that are sent should be as clear and brief as possible, trying to achieve a balance between these two aspects, out of respect for the time of the recipients, while also avoiding possible later confusion or additional investment of time in explanations that could be solved from the start.
Although the digital sending of invitations is prioritized, for speed and practically zero cost, it is important to request a confirmation, to know if the message was read, and, if no response is received, to follow up through other channels, since the invitation could be going to a spam archive or unwanted mail.
Because the invitation process for private and document upload scenarios can vary widely depending on each organization, we provide the reader with only an example of what CONL tried to communicate to their guests, besides the formal invitation. We don’t provide an invitation template because that is up to each organization.
Invitation add-on template with instructions (this document was shared in the same mail as the formal invitation)